We have always felt strongly that preparing young people with the tools to flourish throughout their lives has been an important part of our mission.

 If this last while has taught us anything at all, it’s that life is full of uncertainty. We have never claimed to know what the future will hold, but we do know there will be metaphorical mountains to climb, rainstorms to weather, arduous portages to cross, headwinds to travel against, and fires to extinguish. Our ALIVE workshops are rooted in positive psychology, which focuses on the science behind well-being and the conditions required for humans to thrive. It is essentially nurturing what is best within each person and giving them the tools to do so.

ALIVE Workshop Themes

We offer a wide range of different workshop topics for various grade levels and specific groups. Although the diversity of workshop topics is vast, they can be categorized into these main themes. Each one of our workshop themes aligns with our values and is a key component to helping people along their path to deepening their sense of self and lens on the world.

Self-Development & Personal Wellbeing

Critical Conciousness & World View

Nature Connection

Community Development & Leadership



Flexibility & Customization

Harness the power of in-person connections by bringing an ALIVE workshop to your campus or local green space. Our workshops can be woven through multi-day outdoor education programs, serve as stand-alone sessions, or be designed for multi-week engagement.  

Benson Workshop
"I strongly resonated with the importance ALIVE places on self-reflection and looking inwards. They have reminded me that I don’t have to have everything figured out. What I choose to do with the next 5 years of my life doesn’t have to be what I do for the rest of my life. And what makes me happy and fulfilled now, won’t stay the same forever. The clarity and relief I got from really knowing that I don’t have to have a perfect plan of where I’m going, makes it so much easier to make decisions that make me happy now, instead of worrying about the future. They have taught me that the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself."
- Trafalgar Castle School Graduate

Personal Strengths Workshop

Statement Posters Workshop

Friendship Workshop

Bridge Building Workshop

"I strongly resonated with the importance ALIVE places on self-reflection and looking inwards. They have reminded me that I don’t have to have everything figured out. What I choose to do with the next 5 years of my life doesn’t have to be what I do for the rest of my life. And what makes me happy and fulfilled now, won’t stay the same forever. The clarity and relief I got from really knowing that I don’t have to have a perfect plan of where I’m going, makes it so much easier to make decisions that make me happy now, instead of worrying about the future. They have taught me that the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself."
- Trafalgar Castle School Graduate



Anchor Sessions are student-directed, rooted with the goal in mind of helping everyone find ways to embrace the uncertainty of life, to learn how to anchor themselves in a storm, and to keep moving forward. As Bob Goff said, “Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later.”

Guest Speaking

Everyone has a story to tell. Sometimes it’s expertise that people are looking for, other times it’s a yearning for an external voice that can add value to an experience or topic. Please be in touch if you feel one of our team can contribute to your event, class or program.


"Takeaways from ALIVE workshops focused on acknowledging and building strengths have fostered my leadership skills and are moments I constantly reflect on, and keep with me every day."
- St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School Graduate

For Inquires Into ALIVE Workshops, Please Be In Touch.